Friday, January 27, 2017

Utilizing the Laws for our Success

Just like there are Natural Laws that govern nature (such as gravity), there are other Laws – predictable constants which govern all that happens in the universe. From the spiritual to the physical to the mental, everything that happens does so according to Law. Each system has its own set of laws. The Universe around us is a very orderly place in which nothing occurs by chance.
Even though we cannot see the Laws, or hear them, smell them or taste them, they are present. Just as we know that the Law of Gravity always works even though we cannot see it. The Laws apply to everything and everyone – nothing is exempt. Whether we are aware of these Laws or not, they are still in operation. They are predictable and repeatable. Natural Law is the uniform and orderly method of omnipotent Energy. The Universal Laws are all inter-related and are founded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including us.
Wallace D. Wattles points out, “You can act in accordance with these laws, or you can disregard them, but you can in no way alter them. The laws forever operate and hold you to strict accountability, and there is not the slightest allowance for ignorance… Once a person learns and obeys these laws, he will get rich with mathematical certainty.”
Dr. Warner Von Braun, the father of the space program, said: “The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we do not have any difficulty building a space ship, sending a person to the moon and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.”
When I first learned about the existence of these Laws, I was young and didn’t fully get the implication of the power of these Laws in my life. But a few years ago when I began to study them again, I was reminded of the influence of these Laws in our lives. My awareness was piqued once again. I realized that once we learn the Laws of the Universe, we can also learn to apply them to our advantage. When we do that, we are able to achieve whatever it is that we want from life. I also noticed that when I honored these laws, I felt like I was in the flow, in harmony with all that is. Likewise, when I was not in harmony with the laws, life felt difficult.
My study led to writing The 30 Laws of Flow: Timeless Principles for Entrepreneurial Success.  The book will guide you through a journey of self development  that will change your thinking and give you some strategies to create “success” in your life, to be more in the flow of life. Utilizing the Laws,  the book includes a 30 day program that contains some of the secrets that millionaires use to create their wealth. It really bridges the unseen world with the physical world and gives you the tools to create the kind of life you are looking for.
If you want a preview, feel free to sign up for a 7 day preview of the 30 day program.
To your success,

Monday, January 23, 2017

Choosing The Right Protein For People On The Go

We live in a go-go world these days. Running around and barely taking the time to eat proper meals. This is affecting our health as we need good fuel for good energy. Many people don’t equate the little symptoms they are experiencing with malnutrition.  I know this sounds extreme in North America but after 45 years of seeing clients, I have witnessed this many times.
Last month, I wrote about the importance of protein (amino acids) for your health. In this blog I am going to weigh the options you have for a very fast breakfast using a protein powder. Protein powder is an easy way to get the protein you need but you want the right one.  Remember I said protein is “of first importance”.  The ‘building blocks’ or ‘bricks’ necessary to maintain, build, repair and heal all cells, tissues, organs, hormones, etc. So it is a great way to start your day.
First you want to figure out your protein needs. For weight in pounds just take your weight and divide by two. For kilograms, you need about one gram of protein each day for every kilogram you weigh. Then you want to start looking at labels.  Check the label to be sure the product contains at least 14 grams of protein and is low in fat and sugar.
Also the protein quality has to be considered. With protein powders, you need to consider its amino acid composition. The PDCAAS  (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acids Score) is an important factor to consider when looking for a good protein powder. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adopted this evaluation as “the preferred best” method to determine protein quality. Number 1 in PDCAAS means it digests well. Another criteria is the Protein Efficiency Ratio. The nutritive value of protein is determined by the degree to which the protein’s amino acid profile matches the body’s amino acid needs called PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio), the better the match, the higher the value. You may need to do some research into the brand of protein you are considering. That’s what I did to find the protein powder with the highest possible rating (better than milk).
There are different kinds of protein powders to consider, the plant sourced like rice, pea, hemp and soy and the animal sourced like casein, whey and egg. Vegetable protein is easier on the kidneys than animal protein. The different physical and/or chemical properties within the various types of protein may affect the rate of protein digestion.  Generally speaking the plant based amino acid availability is higher than the animal sourced protein powders because of the various protein metabolic responses.
The other characteristic to consider is the effect on the glycemic index (the effect food has on blood sugar). You want a protein powder that produces an even flow of energy because it has a low glycemic index. So watch the rice, pea and hemp proteins to see if you feel hungry after ingesting them.  That is a sign that those types of protein have a negative impact on your glycemic index.
In terms of the animal proteins, make sure that you investigate the animal source and quality, the health of the animal, feed quality (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.), use of antibiotics, drugs, hormones, etc. Research to make sure your whey protein supply is from New Zealand as that is the best source of whey. Also consider if you are lactose intolerant, you may want to seek a vegetarian protein powder.
Lastly when it comes to a soy protein powder, make sure the soy is non GMO (a genetically engineered organism) and also make sure it is water washed. Most of the soy in the marketplace is solvent washed which destroys the nutrient value and creates a toxic substance and that is what gives soy a bad name.
So do your research and you will find the best protein powder that will give you that fast breakfast and that great fuel for a great energetic day.
To your health,
Past Posts:

Sunday, January 22, 2017

How Are You Planning To Make 2017 A Great Year?

We have all celebrated and now are welcoming in a new year. This year adds up to be a "one" year. "One" is about new beginnings. The best way to begin a new year is to know where we are at and explore what we have learned. Then based on what we have learned, take that learning into the new year.

We all have the opportunity to learn significant lessons when we take the time to examine our life. We can do so only if we honestly evaluate what we did with our lives and what we created for ourselves over the past 12 months. Feel free to use the following questions to evaluate and assess your last year.

What Did You Learn in 2016?

What were your 10 greatest accomplishments of 2016 that you are most proud of?

What were the biggest learning experiences and what did you learn about yourself?

What were your 10 greatest challenges and difficulties of 2016?
Take a moment to honestly evaluate yourself and your life.  What is no longer serving you? What are the patterns or habits you are repeating, that are blocking, hindering and getting in your way right now?
What Will You Create In 2017?

What do you want to create for your life in 2017? 
·         Break old limiting patterns
·         Take care of your health
·         Transform your body
·         Create relationships based on love, joy and mutual respect
·         Develop your business or begin a business of your own
·         Do what you love
·         Become debt free
·         Travel the world
·         Experience peace of mind

List your top 10 goals/experiences (5 life goals and 5 business goals)
that you want to create in 2017.

If productivity is one of those goals, check out

Identify the top 3 skills you need to achieve those goals.Now go buy the books or audio programs and sign up for the training programs focused on building those skills. Remember to invest in yourself.
2017 could be a pivotal year in your life, a year that you will look back on as the year you committed to yourself and your life. The year you made the changes in your life that you want.  The question is; how are you going to make sure that you don’t get sucked back into repeating the same old patterns and habits from the past? Remember, you are run by habits. 96% of anything you do is run by unconscious habits and patterns.

If you are like most people, you require support; a powerful, personal process that steps you through:

1)    Discovering the truth about yourself and your life
2)    Identifying your core limiting & supporting beliefs
3)    Supporting your action steps towards your goals

As a coach, I can assist you to get to the core of your beliefs (especially the subconscious ones) that are dictating your behavior and feeding your unwanted patterns.

Imagine. How would your life be different?

Just go to to arrange a complimentary session to explore the possibilities

Here's to a fantastic 2017! You absolutely can make it great!
