Friday, October 20, 2017

5 Things to Avoid in Your Anti-Aging Skin Care

We all want to have great skin as we age. But environmental factors, stress, genetics, and a busy life all play a part in how our skin looks over the years.
So if you’re like most people you’re probably buying something that promises to slow down how your skin ages. Anti-aging skin care.  However, in your pursuit for nicer, healthier skin, is what you’re putting on your face even safe?
The truth is, most anti-aging skin care products contain questionable and even downright harmful chemicals.
Your makeup, face cream, skin moisturizer, or cleanser may deliver short-term smoothness and brightness but it may disrupt your hormones and fertility. They can also expose you to known cancer-causing pesticides, and deliver dangerous toxins that penetrate and age your skin.

Here are the 5 harmful chemicals that are commonly used in anti-aging skin care:

  1. Parabens

    Parabens mimic estrogen and lead to hormone imbalance. Now, CDC reports suggest their presence in every American’s body. Whether they are or aren’t, avoid products with parabens to prevent reproductive issues like infertility or slowed growth and developmental disorders in children.
  2. Phthalates

    A common ingredient in “fragrances,” phthalates block testosterone and damage a man’s reproductive system. These dangerous chemicals have also been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.
  3. Mercury

    You know mercury is bad, but some anti-aging skin care products use it to lighten the skin. It absorbs easily through your skin and with enough use can develop into mercury poisoning. Steer clear of products with “calomel,” “mercurio,” “mercurio chloride,” or just plain old “mercury.”
  4. Petroleum

    As an industry standard, there’s a lot of information out there touting the safety of petroleum by-products, so you might be wondering why you should avoid it. It’s because it contains 1,4-Dioxane, which has been listed by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency as a probable carcinogen. You don’t want cancer from your moisturizer, do you ? I would hope not.
  5. Hydroquinone

    Hydroquinone reduces the melanin in your skin to get rid of those unsightly marks, but in doing so, it hurts your skin in many ways. First of all, it’s permanently altering your pigment while also weakening the elastin and collagen in your problem area – the very things that are key to keeping your skin firm and youthful!

Here are other ingredients to avoid:

  • Colors
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Lanolin
  • Quaternium-15
  • EDTA
  • Ethanolamine
  • Formaldehyde
  • Styrene
  • Quat Ammonium
  • Silver
  • CFC
  • Perfluoro
  • PEG 1
  • PEG 2
  • PEG 3
  • Cyclosilicone
So why do companies even use these types of chemicals if it’s well known that they’re harmful or even downright dangerous for your skin? Because they do offer results and they’re less expensive and easier to source.
Now, after eight years of research, there is an anti-aging skin care line that does not use any of these chemicals. In fact, it has a list of over 2500 chemicals it does not use in the anti-aging skincare line. And the products are all 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and gluten-free. In a clinical study, 100% of women reported having younger-looking skin, and 2/3 shifted their skin age into a younger decade. If you want to find out more or have a demo, feel free to contact me.
To your good health,

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