Monday, January 28, 2019

Team Approach to Miracles

After an hour and a bit of sleep, I am woken up to hear my granddaughter is on her way to my place for her home birth. My body goes into overdrive as the birthing pool is not yet assembled. She is a few weeks earlier than expected. I throw clothes on and get to work preparing the birthing room and the pool. Thankfully I had help.
The pool had to be inflated and then filled with warm water. It was inflated when she arrived but not filled yet. Now my attention goes to her needs as her doula. Thankfully her partner could join the team to monitor the water situation. Half way through filling, we ran out of hot water. Now the pots and kettles must be employed. Lots of action now. The midwife arrives and very quickly assesses that the baby is due to arrive very soon. She calls for back up.
Now the team consists of two guys working on filling the tub with pots of hot water, two midwives and one doula. Some people ask what the difference between a doula and a midwife is. The fast answer is the doula concentrates on the mother’s needs and the midwives concentrate on the baby’s needs. If there is no doula present the midwives take care of mother and baby.
The other “member” of the team was a voice coming through the computer my granddaughter brought with her. That voice was Shawn Gallagher who has recorded hypnobirthing audios to help mothers go through the whole birthing process. My granddaughter was listening to her during her labour. So now we add one more to our little team.
Once the birth pool was filled enough my granddaughter got into the pool which eased the intensity of the contractions a little. Water births promote more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mother, and more oxygen for the baby. So, within the hour of getting into the tub little baby Shawn was born, coming out into the world through some warm water before being placed on my granddaughter. 5:25 a.m.
The bonding began, and my granddaughter was overflowing with love for this new little human coming into this world. My granddaughter is a natural and the midwives suggested that she become an advocate for birthing moms. She has experienced a hospital birth, a midwife clinic birth and now a water birth. They also thought I should rent out my room for other birthing moms as it had everything they all needed.
One of the things I provided was an electrolyte balancing drink throughout to all the members of the team including my granddaughter. The electrolyte balancing powder prevents dehydration. It bypasses the stomach and contains three types of carbohydrates for energy and stamina. This was added to water. It was especially important for my granddaughter as she needed that extra energy between contractions.
The other perk I provided was energy chews for all the team members. They were very appreciative as everyone was missing their sleep. Each chew contains a scientific blend of caffeine from natural green tea extract associated with energy and performance, plus key amino acids L-tyrosine, L-theanine associated with mental alertness and focus, energy-releasing B vitamins and vitamins D and C. So, each chew boosts energy naturally.
So, the result was one very happy mother, a very healthy new baby boy (featured in the pictures a few hours after being born) and a team of support people who witnessed one of life’s true miracles – a birth.
Team Approach to Miracles
Here’s to miracles coming your way in your life this year!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Goals for 2019 – Happy New Year

We have all celebrated and now are welcoming in a new year. 2019 is a blank canvas. Now we can create with fresh minds and open hearts to pursue our passions, dreams and goals. It’s always exciting to be able to start over and recommit to our dreams and create fresh goals for 2019.
From a numerology perspective, 2019 adds up to be a “three” year. A “three” year’ means good things are on the horizon. It promises points of reflection and thrilling challenges. 2019 will help us improve our communication skills and challenge us when it comes to expressing our ideas. The Chinese New Year in 2019 starts on Tuesday, February 5th. According to the Chinese zodiac the year 2019 is the “Year of the Earth Pig,” a year of fortune and luck. 2019 is a great year to make money, and a good year to invest.
Now it is time for you to create the kind of year you desire with fresh goals. Every year I use the template below to create the year I desire. I write down which goals I desire under each of these categories. Then I pin it up where I can see the goals daily. Feel free to customize it to fit into your life. If productivity is one of your goals for this year, check out

Vocation or Creative Expression

Work Habits/Activity(Time)Management
Financial/Money Management/Energy Exchange


Business Associates/Networks/Leadership
Family/Relationships/Significant Other


Physical Health/ Recreation/Fitness
Physical Appearance/Personal Life
Physical Surroundings/Environment/Nature

Time and Money Freedom

Mental/Educational/Personal & Professional Mastery/ Attitude
Spiritual Growth/Quantum
Community Service/Contribution

2019 could be a pivotal year in your life, a year that you will look back on as the year you committed to yourself and your life. The year you made the changes in your life that you want. The question is; how are you going to make sure that you don’t get sucked back into repeating the same old patterns and habits from the past?
Remember, you are run by habits. 96% of anything you do is run by unconscious habits and patterns.
If you are like most people, you require support; a powerful, personal process that steps you through:
• Discovering the truth about yourself and your life
• Identifying your core limiting & supporting beliefs
• Supporting your action steps towards your goals
As a coach, I can assist you to get to the core of your beliefs (especially the subconscious ones) that are dictating your behavior and feeding your unwanted patterns.
Imagine. How would your life be different?
Just go to to arrange a complimentary session to explore the possibilities
Here’s to a fantastic 2019! You absolutely can make it great!
To your success,