Monday, April 24, 2017

12 Steps To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

April is cancer month so I thought it is important to address this before the month is over. We are in a situation where 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life. Back in the fifties, it was 1 in 80.
60% of cancers are preventable according to the American Cancer Society. Science has proven that diseases are not “caught” but are caused by what we eat or don’t eat, and by the accumulation of a “toxin-load” from a polluted world.
More than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise. In 1970 North Americans spent 7.2 Billion on fast food. In 2016 North Americans spent 200 Billion on fast food.
Every minute 10 million cells in your body divide to create new cells. Usually, this process occurs at the right time and in the right way. However, if the cell division process is defective, then cancer cells may be produced. Nutritional deficiencies, toxic chemicals, imbalanced hormones, stress, radiation, and heavy metals are some of the causes of a defective division process.

12 steps to reduce your risk of cancer.

Step 1: Healthy food choices. This will involve aiming for healthier foods, eliminating non-foods, staying hydrated and focusing on “clean eating”.
Step 2: Drink optimal pure water. Get the “Clean Water” water pitcher from Shaklee. It reduces contaminants that affect your health. Much more the leading brands, and comes with contaminant reduction claims that are certified.
Step 3: Lifestyle changes. Exercise often and get adequate rest. Stress also dramatically increases the need for nutrients as does the increased toxin exposure which requires more antioxidant protection.
Step 4: Reduce toxic exposure. it just takes 26 seconds for the chemicals in your personal care products to enter your bloodstream. Take a look at what is in your products including your cleaning products.
Step 5: Supplement with high-quality supplements. Supplementation is essential these days due to hectic lifestyles that make it hard to eat right and our devitalized soil creates deficiencies.
Step 6: Include quality, non-GMO, raw-processed soy protein in the diet daily. Make sure it is water-washed soy and that the anti-thyroid/anti-growth enzyme is removed.
Step 7: Increase your antioxidants. Every day your cells are bombarded with up to a million DNA assaults that can damage the cell’s genetic code and create a “typo” that compromises the cells function, causes cellular aging and increases the risk of cancer. The concentrated tonic “Vivix” undoes this damage.
Step 8: Support the production of Interferon in every cell in your body with the use of polysaccharides. The best way is through “NutriFeron” as it increases natural interferon.
Step 9: Optimize your Vitamin D3 Levels and decrease your risk of cancer by more than half.
Step 10: Optimize your Vitamin C, Vitamin E & Carotenoids to reduce your risk.
Step 11: Detoxify your body. There are many cleanses on the market but Alfalfa, OptiFlora, DTX, Herb-Lax and lots of water and fiber can be taken daily to detoxify.
Step 12: Laugh and love … express love for your fellow humans … hug someone today.
This just gives you some highlights. Contact me if you have any questions about any of the terms.
The bottom line – prevention is key.
To your good health!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Our Environment – The Global And The Personal

Globally this week we celebrate Earth Day April 22. Various events will be held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. I will be hosting an event as well on April 23 which will include planting trees in a nearby park. The weekend is to remind us of the importance of Mother Earth and encourage respect for life.  It is a reminder that one person’s single action can make a difference and when we add them all up, they make a profound difference.  To find out how you can contribute to lowering your carbon footprint, you are welcomed to go to
Now let’s look at our environment in a personal way. Our outer environment is the sum total of all the sources through which we are influenced through the aid of our five senses. What we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. For example, our environment consists of the books we read, the people with whom we associate, the community in which we live, the nature of the work in which we are engaged, the country where we reside, the clothes we wear and the religious training we received as children.
In addition, we have our inner environment. This is harder to see as we have no pictures of our mind. The mind is an activity. So our inner environment is the activity of our mind.  That activity translates into the results we see daily in our outer environment. Whatever our influences are, they affect our thoughts and they, in turn, affect our feelings, which in turn affect our actions and finally our results.
The mind feeds upon that which we supply it or that which is forced upon it through our environment. Therefore it is important to select our environment as much as possible with the purpose of supplying the mind with appropriate material that sustains our overall purpose.
If your environment is not to your liking, then change it. First, you need to find the correct environment that will support your desires and concentrate on this picture until you transform it into reality. Be careful who you hang out with. Make sure everything and everyone support your desires.
Remember even the little details of your environment are important.  What you wear gives messages to your mind that can either lift you up or bring you down.  For instance, the condition of your desk gives you clues as to the state of your mind and will affect your feelings about your environment.
Our personal environment is crucial to examine, as the condition of it will either make us or break us. Sometimes we need that mastermind alliance of two or more people in the spirit of perfect harmony for the purpose of attaining a desired outcome,  a blending of minds to help us see things about our inner environment that are not so easy to see on our own. If you would like to explore this more, feel free to reach out to
To your success.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What Is Your Gut Feeling? – The Six Stages Of Nutrition

Ever wondered how we get nourished? Here are the six stages.

1 – DIET

Diet is what we eat; nutrition is what the cells and tissues actually receive. Obviously, the better the diet, the better chance that nutrition will be improved. For this reason, it is important that you fully review your daily eating habits:
Do you habitually eat a nourishing, well-balanced breakfast or are you a “breakfast skipper”?
Do you consume “empty calorie” snack foods in place of more nutritious, sensible ones?
Do you supplement nutritional weakness with vitamins, minerals, etc?
Have you considered the amount of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, additives, chemicals, etc. in your diet and how detrimental they can be?


Digestion is the process by which complex foods are broken down into simple substances that the body can utilize. For example, protein foods cannot be used by the body as such but must be broken down into amino acids. The carbohydrates must be broken down into simple sugars such as glucose (blood sugar), fructose, etc. Fats are broken into fatty acids.  In short, digestion is the processes of breaking these complex substances into more simple and usable substances, to be used as energy for the tissues, organs and cells.


Absorption is the process by which the products of digestion, simple sugars, amino acids and fatty acids pass through the lining of the intestinal wall and are taken directly into the bloodstream. Adequate amounts of nutrients may be eaten and digested but may still be unavailable to the cells due to poor absorbability. Poor absorbability can come from excess mucus along the intestinal walls, allergies or excesses, the condition of the capillaries feeding the stomach walls or to the cell sites, the amount of uneliminated waste at the cellular level, and the binding effect particular foods have on some nutrients which cause them to be excreted.


Assimilation is the process by which the cell assimilates nutrients from the bloodstream. Assimilation is occurring in every cell of the body to help develop new cells, they literally become your body. It is the process of absorbing vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals from food within the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrients are incorporated into every cell of the body, feeding and repairing them.  The symptoms of malabsorption are: weight loss, muscle weakness, irritability, depression, and loss of energy.


Carrying the absorbed nutrients to each cell of the body is the role of the blood. Therefore, the quality of the blood, as well as the quantity, becomes important. An individual may be eating a proper diet and may be going to great lengths to assure proper digestion and absorption; however if because of impaired circulation the nutrients do not reach the cells, proper nourishment will not take place.


It is important to excrete daily. What goes in must come out. It is felt by many doctors that one of the chief causes of human illness is due to autointoxication – the poisoning of the human body by waste materials absorbed by the villi (intestinal lining) into the bloodstream, and by the improper release of metabolic waste from the tissues. Re-absorption of waste affect all levels of nutrition and organ functioning, and a system which is overloaded fails to have sufficient energies for maintaining optimal health as it should, and degeneration begins to occur.
As you can see there are stages where what you are eating may not actually nourish you. If you are experiencing any digestive challenges, feel free to reach out to
To your good health!


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Spring Is Here! Is It Time To Cleanse?

Officially spring is here. When we are in touch with the seasons, we know when it is a great time to cleanse. The earth is providing the right plants for cleansing but how do you know if you need a cleanse?
Our body is very smart and offers symptoms to notify us.  We can intuitively know as well when we are not full of vitality and not feeling 100%. Other times our body has to get our attention through symptoms.
Weight is a common symptom when the extra weight just doesn’t seem to want to shift. Our fat cells can collect toxins like dioxins, PCBs, and many pesticides and when they build up, we put on weight. Also, inflammation in the body can look like weight gain as well.
Bad body odour is another symptom. When we have any odour, this indicates that our liver is overloaded and that our kidneys and colon are having some difficulty eliminating toxins. This can show up as bad breath as well.
Breakouts on the skin indicate that our liver has too many toxins and the skin is helping out with the excess.  This can show up as acne, skin rashes, or boils.
When we experience constipation, this can lead to an auto-toxicity in the body and the toxins are absorbed back into our bloodstream.  Many symptoms listed in this blog will begin to appear in this case.
Some toxins stimulate pain receptors in the muscle leading to muscle spasms, knots, and general muscular aches and pains. These toxins could be from auto-toxicity or consumed toxins.
There are toxins such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate)called excitotoxins that directly affect our brain and nerve cells. So another indication that it’s time for a cleanse is fuzzy thinking.
Unexplained headaches could be another sign that our toxic load is too high. There are many toxins such as heavy metals, artificial colourings, artificial preservatives, MSG and aspartame that can cause headaches.
Xenoestrogens are another cause of toxicity.  Xenoestrogens are synthetic compounds (like PCBs, BPA, and phthalates) that act like estrogen in our body so this causes hormonal imbalances. It is important not to drink water from plastic water bottles if we want to reduce our xenoestrogen load. One of the symptoms of hormonal balances is mood swings, yet another indication that our body is out of balance.
Waking up exhausted after getting a good night’s sleep, could indicate toxic overload. A high toxic load can be challenging for our adrenal glands and this can lead to adrenal fatigue and unexplained exhaustion.  Yet another symptom that it is time for a cleanse.
Insomnia is another symptom, indicating our cortisol levels could be out of whack. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in stressful situations. Normal and healthy cortisol levels are highest in the morning and lowest in the evening, so if it is out of balance, the levels can be too high in the evening.
These are just some of the many indicators that your body may be crying out for a cleanse.  Obviously cleaning up your diet would help tremendously as well. To schedule a free assessment go to
To your good health!