Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Need for Community

The need for community has come to my attention in a myriad of ways recently. Yes, we humans have some basic needs like air, food, water, shelter, sanitation, clothing, sleep, and shelter. Then if we look at safety there are needs there personally, emotionally, financially, and our health and wellbeing. There is a need for social belonging and interaction with family, friends, and intimate partners. But one of the greatest needs at this time in history is the need for community. All aspects of our life – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual- call for deeper relationships to foster healthy living.
Through various programs I facilitate or participate in, I am seeing the value of community. The community needs to have a clear identity and purpose and the members of the group need to identify with the other members. That way they can exert influence towards what the group’s focus is. What they are trying to achieve. Through community, there is communication and a sharing of ideas.  Community can be a place where there is listening, clarity, concern, friendliness, respect, and feedback. It can be a place of growth both for the individual and the group’s focus.
Once there is a shared identity and a purpose in the community, individuals will each bring their personal strengths and passions to help the group meet its objectives. Everyone will benefit from their gifts and the world is a better place because of it.
Where we find community is highly individual and depends on what our passions are.
Community sustains us and can give us hope. One such community is the Unify Toronto community. This community brings together The Awakening the Dreamer community and the Drawdown community.  What all these groups have in common is working together to create an environmentally sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling human presence on the planet.
The Need for Community
On Saturday I facilitated a group of people through Awakening the Dreamer Changing the Dream. We all got to question our long-held beliefs and traditional ways of doing things as a painful but necessary step in the process of getting to a place of hope. We went through a process that took us through our overwhelm to awareness and into action. We discussed new ideas using the collective wisdom of the group. We saw how our divergent world views and lenses meant that we all approached the exact same problem slightly differently.
We witnessed how it is not easy going through difficult times alone and how we need community for motivation, support and belief. When the big goals seem impossible, when we want to give up, we have the community to lean on. Being part of a community can inspire us on those days when our belief is being challenged or we are feeling overwhelmed. The other beautiful thing about community is that the community believes in you – probably more than you believe in yourself. Community can also provide accountability to others if you need it.
I love that community is available to us as we are living in troubled times and I see community as a way to sustain and support us through these times. If you are at all interested in creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling human presence on the planet and want to join a community of like-minded souls, then please contact me.
To your good health,
Charlene Day
To learn more you can read more of my blogs on this:

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Living the Good Life After 60: How to Protect Your Mental and Physical Health as You Age

Life after 60 may be known as the golden years, but for many, growing old presents more strife than joy. Aging adults must contend with failing health, the passing of family and friends, and economic challenges on top of coping with their changing role in the world. It’s a lot for anyone to deal with, and it’s part of the reason that depression and substance misuse are a growing problem among today’s elderly. But the idea of “golden years” doesn’t have to be a myth. By taking charge of growing old, you can enjoy a high quality of life into your later years.
One of the smartest things you can do as you enter the senior years is move to a more accessible home. By eliminating barriers like front steps and dim lighting, you can create a safer living environment for aging. As a result, you’re less likely to suffer a fall or other home accident that compromises your ability to live independently.
Moving also provides an opportunity to relocate to a more tight-knit community. Social connection is incredibly important for older adults; seniors who are socially isolated are at increased risk for a number of serious health problems. Single seniors might consider moving in with roommates or turning to organizations like A Little Help that connect seniors to helpful neighbors for everyone’s benefit: Older adults get company and a helping hand with things like transportation, landscaping, and home repair, while neighbors get to hear seniors’ stories and gain a sense of community. However, it’s hard to lean on your neighbours if they’re not nearby. Seek out urban neighbourhoods, condominiums, and other dense communities to reduce social isolation.
Of course, it’s not just about where you live — it’s about how you live. If you’re inactive, have a poor diet, and don’t make an effort to get out, your physical and mental health will suffer. Physical activity is key for maintaining muscle mass and bone density, both of which seniors need to stay mobile and stable as they age. Getting moving also protects mental health; it not only keeps depression and anxiety at bay, but maintaining an active lifestyle also protects against dementia, ScienceDaily reports.
Diet matters too. Many seniors let nutrition fall by the wayside because their sense of taste has diminished, it’s hard to get to the grocery store, or they feel uninspired to cook when eating alone. But eating well isn’t just for the young: As the National Institutes of Health explains, older adults’ nutritional needs actually increase, because their body is less efficient at absorbing nutrients. Because caloric needs are lower, seniors must ensure every meal is as nutritionally-dense as possible, paying special attention to intake of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins B6, B12 and E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. While supplements can help fill the gaps, the best source of nutrients is a varied diet that limits refined grains and highly-processed foods.
Responsible use of substances, including medications, is another key to healthy aging. Older adults have a reduced ability to metabolize alcohol. As such, moderating alcohol intake is more important than ever. Seniors should always follow instructions provided by their prescribing physician when taking medications; if you think a dose should be changed or a medication is causing unwanted side effects, talk to your doctor before making a change. Substance misuse is a serious problem among seniors, and the results can be fatal.
It’s a shame to reach your retirement years and be unable to enjoy them due to poor health. However, many of the problems faced by older adults can be mitigated or avoided completely when seniors take an active role in their mental and physical well-being. If you’re worried your senior years won’t look the way you hope, don’t wait to make a change. The sooner you get on a healthy path, the better off you’ll be.
Guest blogger
Jason Lewis
Feel free to contact me for a complimentary wellness evaluation if you are looking to make changes in your health.
To read more on this topic here are a few more of my blogs: